Hello! My name is Sun Bin MUN. I graduated Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science and Technology. Iā€™m also a full-time Technology Associate in Morgan Stanley Asia Hong Kong in Reliability & Production Engineering for Fixed Income & Commodities, specialized in Foreign Exchange electronic trading engine support.

Academically, my main interest is Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Algorithmic Trading, and Big Data. I also love swimming šŸŠšŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø, golf šŸŒšŸ», movies šŸŽ„, and traveling šŸš….

I still have a long way to learn, and will record my studies, hobbies, and more!

Notion Pages

Here is my Notion Page for my latest updates My Notion Profile Thank you!

Last modification date : 19/07/2022